We have to start the year with good news, and this is a very good one: the eurozone is more stable than it was this time last year and price pressures are well contained, there aren't indications about the inflation is rising.
This is important, because if the inflation is stable, EU can practice monetary policies more beneficial for all the countries, not only for Germany, that usually is very worried with inflation, even the most harmed by crisis like Spain, Portugal, Greece, Ireland, or Italy, more worried about the interest rate, and being the inflation low, interest rate could maintain it in the lowest level possible.
Although the process of recovering competitiveness in the embattled euro area could still take several years. Surely, EU will start to recover the confidence little by little, after has been close to collapse at certain points of 2012. Ireland and Portugal have managed to return gradually to the capital markets. Spain is cleaning up its banking sector, and Greece is back on course.
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